Thursday 12 February 2009

Trainer dating - whatever next!

When we launched last month, we had a mixed reaction. Overall the response was positive with a great 'click through' (people visiting the site) and some really nice emails back too.

One or two people were less happy, feeling that offering a dating site was inappropriate. We felt there was no conflict of interest or anything inappropriate in offering this service. We were even very specific that our contacts would only every get one mailing about the site.

But what about internet dating on the whole? We hear nightmare stories abductions, deception, fraud...

Well the internet is a medium open to abuse like any other, but let's face it, 'happy ever after' stories aren't really what 'sell' the news. So we only ever hear the 'dark side'. Here's an example of one of the happier stories:

I used to work in a hospital. One of the staff nurses was divorced and had young children. She found it hard to go out and meet people (other than colleagues). She joined an internet dating site and rapidly made friends. She could go on line and leave messages or chat with people who shared unusual shift hours as she did, or who had the same problems with managing young children and a job, like she did. She met a nice man on the site. He was widowed and had kids too. Her first visit with him was chaperoned. They met a few times and found they got on very well. Last I heard, they were happily married!

One of my friends that I have known for over 30 years split from her husband five years ago. She now has a boyfriend that shares her love of walking and he has introduced her to the joys of motorbiking. Not something she may have taken up on her own, but now she has driven through France and Spain and they have a great time when they get together, even though they live 120 miles apart.

Every day millions of people make friends on the internet, through forums, dating sites and other social networking sites.

Trainerdate is aimed at professionals who share a common interest. Internet dating is, potentially, a great medium for the single trainer. An independent trainer's life can often involve lots of travelling, perhaps even different 'employer' every week. The internet can be a good place to meet people and make new friends. Just be careful and follow sensible internet safety rules (there's a useful article on the Onlindatingmagazine site).

If you have any questions about (or our partner site,, you are welcome to email us. Have I signed up? I'm not telling...

Happy Valentine's Day

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