Friday, 31 October 2008

Being Positive

Training Pages send out a newsletter and the latest edition features a little piece on being positive by their editor, Liggy Webb. Reproduced by kind permission:

Top Ten Tips for Positivity

1. Refuse the Snooze – Get up as soon as your alarm goes off as a positive kick start to the day
2. Wake up with an Attitude of Gratitude – Focus on 3 things
3. Smile at your reflection in the bathroom mirror
4. Tell yourself that you are going to have a great day
5. Challenge any negative thoughts you have and turn them into a positive
6. S.U.M.O – Don’t dwell on negatives so Shut Up and Move On!
7. If someone asks you ‘how you are you?’ tell them that you are very well
8. Smile – It promotes endorphins
9. Send a positive text or email to someone you care about
10. Write down something to do, something to love and something to hope for

You can find out more about Training Pages on their website:

I like the idea of sending out a positive message, we seem to be so bogged down by the credit crunch and world financial crises that it has to affect our own mental positivity. Now, if you are someone who has lost their job or is suffering because of it I'm not saying 'forget about it and smile', but I do believe that a more positive attitude all round is a good thing.

So, start today with a smile if you can, and if you have five minutes, visit There's a man who knows what being positive is all about!

1 comment:

  1. Makes me wonder about experiential team development. I have done paintballing (shooting the sales team in a former life with a computer company), and laser shooting essays online but I've never had to build a bridge or roast rats over an open fire... well, not for work, anyway.
